NC-CAV: Kickoff Meeting Slides
Center Mission, Vision, goals, and objectives
Research Approach
Proposed research
Thrust 1: CAV impacts
Thrust 2: CAV infrastructure
Thrust 3: CAV-UAV Applications
NC-CAV use-cases
NC-CAV Available Resources
Center Management and Communication Plan
NC-CAV Plan for Engagement of Stakeholders
NC-CAV Sustainability Plan
NC-CAV Dissemination and Outreach Plan
NCDOT impact on Transportation-related research, education, and outreach at North Carolina A&T State University
NCDOT impact on Transportation-related research, education, and outreach at North Carolina A&T State University
Robust and Computationally Effective Pedestrian Detection for Autonomous Cars
Speakers: Ali Karimoddini, Muhammad Mobaidul Islam, Abdullah Al Redwan Newaz
Workshop on the Detection, Recognition, and Prediction of Pedestrian Behaviors, In ITSC 2021