CAV Impacts on Traffic Intersection Capacity , Literature Review
Prepared by: Li Song (UNCC) and Wei Fan (UNCC)
Report No: TCE2020-03-001
Abstract: This report provides a comprehensive review of the current state-of-the-art and state-of-the-practice on connected and autonomous vehicle’s technology and its impacts on traffic intersection capacity. This should give a clear picture of connected and automated vehicle (CAV) technology, deployment and market penetration rate prediction of CAVs, traffic flow controls of CAVs, control strategies for CAVs at intersections, intersection capacity analysis methods, and intersection modeling scenarios and parameters used in the existing evaluation studies on the impacts of CAVs at intersections.
Prepared by: Morgan Crowder (NCA&T), Steven Jiang (NCA&T), James Poslusny (NCSU), Nicolas Norboge (NCSU), Steve Bert (NCSU), Daniel Findley (NCSU)
Report No: TCE2020-03-002
Abstract: CAVs will provide numerous benefits when adopted, including reduced travel time, increased safety, and increased fuel efficiency. As CAVs continue to develop it will become important to act proactively to reduce the uncertainty around the adoption of these new systems. This report will review the impacts of adopting CAVs on transportation revenue collection.
Prepared by: R. Thomas Chase (NCSU), Guangchuan Yang (NCSU), Ishtiak Ahmed (NCSU), Shoaib Samandar (NCSU), Shih-Chun Lin (NCSU), Chia-Hung Lin (NCSU), Chien-Yuan Wang (NCSU), John Kelly (NC A&T), and Mansi Bhavsar (NC A&T)
Report No: TCE2020-03-003
Abstract: CAVs will require both the development of the new road infrastructures and the uplift in the existing road infrastructure and it is important analyze the readiness of the existing transportation infrastructure and maintenance programs to support CAV deployment and will investigate the emerging infrastructure required for the adoption of future CAV technologies. This review includes the state of the practice and state-of-the-art systems and technology to support CAVs as well as current and planned national research which NCDOT may use for planning and policy decisions in the future.
Prepared by: Shoaib Samandar (NCSU), Guangchuan Yang (NCSU), R. Thomas Chase (NCSU), Ishtiak Ahmed (NCSU),
Report No: TCE2020-03-004
Abstract: This study synthesizes potential impacts of CAVs on infrastructure and geometric design criteria and identifies public agency units likely to be affected. An expert survey was conducted to investigate infrastructure readiness in terms of anticipated impacts, agency awareness and capabilities, resource availability, and training needs. Results indicate that connected vehicles are expected to significantly impact most agency units, particularly Intelligent Transportation Systems and Transportation Systems Management and Operations, while autonomous vehicles are anticipated to primarily affect Traffic Safety and operations units.