Title: Introduction to Connected Traffic Signals
Speaker: Thomas Chase
Date: Friday, October 30, 2020
This talk will present an Introduction to Connected Traffic Signals. The seminar session will include a discussion of the concepts and standards under development, descriptions of pilot deployments around the US, and introduce sample data for researchers interested in exploring this field. Connected Traffic Signals are just one component of Connected and Autonomous Vehicle systems; however, they are at a critical juncture between manufacturers of Autonomous Vehicles and infrastructure maintaining agencies like Departments of Transportatio
Thomas Chase is a Research Scholar with ITRE and is the NC State University lead for the NCCAV Center. Thomas leads ITRE's ITS and CAV Research Areas which focus on deployment evaluation, benefit cost analysis, simulation, and human factors. He specializes in freeway operations, pedestrian behavior and simulation, big data and visualization, advanced signal control, travel time reliability, and network modeling and monitoring.