Title: Public Perceptions of Transportation Fees and Taxes
Speaker: Dr. Daniel Findley
Date: Friday, February 26, 2021
Changing trends in the automobile market are challenging the long-term sustainability of revenue streams—and possibly how the public perceives them. In response, NCDOT commissioned a survey to better understand how the public perceives transportation taxes and fees. Additionally, NCDOT created the NC First Commission. This state level committee of subject matter experts was tasked with evaluating North Carolina’s current and future transportation investment needs and advising the Secretary of Transportation on those needs.
Several findings emerged regarding North Carolina residents’ perceptions of transportation taxes and fees. Overall, North Carolinians support increasing transportation funding, North Carolinians are split over whether road funding should come from general taxes or usage-based fees, but the results suggest a preference for the gas tax; however, there also appears to be support for a diversity of funding sources, such as using motor vehicle and drivers’ license fees and a highway use tax.
Daniel Findley is a Senior Research Associate with the Institute for Transportation Research and Education at NC State in Raleigh, North Carolina. He holds a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from North Carolina State University and is a licensed Professional Engineer (P.E.) in North Carolina. He also serves as an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering.
Dr. Findley is an author of 3 books, 29 peer-reviewed journal articles, and has given numerous presentations at local, state, national, and international audiences. He is a member of the Transportation Research Board's Operational Effects of Geometrics Committee and the Traffic Law Enforcement Committee. He was also a contributing member of the North Carolina Strategic Highway Safety Plan.
Dr. Findley was selected for the Transatlantic Partnership for Excellence in Engineering Mobility Scholarship through the European Union in Spain in 2012. He has also been engaged in international outreach with a short course in Abu Dhabi, study abroad courses in Australia and the Czech Republic, and serves as a Fulbright Scholar.