Title: Data-Centric Architecture: The foundation to CAV design and performance

Speaker: Mr. Bob Leigh

Date: Friday, April 30, 2021


The race for connected and autonomous vehicles is accelerating the pace of technical innovation. Historically, the adoption of standards has resulted in rapid and profound acceleration of technology. CAN and AUTOSAR are examples of adopted standards that have enabled the advancement of many luxury and safety features in low-end vehicles. What standard is positioned to do the same for autonomy? To fully support Level 4 and Level 5 autonomy, a standards-based communications foundation must support the immense amount of data that will be rapidly passed between applications and sensors, while also enabling safe and secure operations.

The automotive industry is moving towards a common architecture framework that can meet the performance, safety and security requirements necessary for Level 4 and Level 5 Autonomy. Of the dozens of platforms and architectures being developed for autonomous vehicles, there are just a few basic designs – ROS2, Adaptive AUTOSAR, Databus, and the Apollo framework – each with many variants that address specific market challenges. Nearly all of them are based on the Data Distribution ServiceTM (DDS) open standard. DDS is an extremely flexible connectivity framework that is already deployed in thousands of autonomous systems spanning industries such as transportation, smart energy, aerospace, defense, simulation and smart healthcare. DDS is designed for mission-critical applications with safety and security demands that need robust, real-time performance. It provides a QoS-aware communication foundation to model data flows, standard security, type evolution and integration with other connectivity standards.

This webinar will introduce the concept of data centricity and explain how to build and leverage a data-centric architecture to enable next-generation collaborative, connected, safe and secure systems. RTI is a leader in enabling autonomous vehicles via the data-centric DDS databus. Based on RTI’s experience with 1600+ mission-critical applications, we will explore how applying modern embedded design and architecture principles can enable robust, reliable, safe and secure autonomous vehicles.


Bob Leigh has been developing new markets and building technology companies for over 15 years as an entrepreneur and technology leader. Bob graduated from Queen’s University with a degree in Mathematics & Engineering and has used his education in control and communication systems to develop embedded solutions for a variety of industries including energy, manufacturing, and transportation. Bob has spent his career in small companies and is the founder of two. At each venture he led the charge to create new technologies for emerging markets and disruptive applications.

As Director of Market Developments for Commercial Markets, Bob is tasked with enabling industry innovation in autonomous vehicles, robotics and other autonomous applications. With the emergence of the Industrial Internet of Things, many business and industries will be transformed. RTI’s DDS-based technology is a critical infrastructure technology for this market and is used on multi-billion product lines in the most demanding and critical applications. This is just the beginning for RTI in these markets, and Bob is keen combine his entrepreneurial experience with RTIs track record in safety-critical, complex systems to solve society’s next big challenges.