Title: Mobile Mapping Systems for Accurate Documentation of Transportation Corridors
Speaker: Dr. Ayman Habib
Date: Friday, August 27, 2021
The continuous developments in direct geo-referencing technology (i.e., integrated Global Navigation Satellite Systems – GNSS – and Inertial Navigation Systems – INS) and remote sensing systems (i.e., passive and active imaging sensors in the visible and infrared range – RGB cameras, hyperspectral push-broom scanners, and laser scanning) are providing the professional geospatial community with ever-growing opportunities to generate accurate 3D information with rich set of attributes. These advances are also coupled with improvements in the sensors’ performance, reduction in the associated cost, and miniaturization of such sensors.
This talk will cover the history of Mobile Mapping Systems/Technology (MMS/MMT) since its inception in the mid-eighties and how they have been evolving over the years. The speaker will then cover modern applications, which take advantage of imaging, LiDAR, and navigation technologies, such as:
1. Geometric documentation of work zones,
2. Roadside ditch mapping,
3. Serviceability measures for Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) walls,
4. Evaluation of pavement markings reflectivity, and
5. Pothole and debris detection along transportation corridors.
Dr. Habib is the Thomas A. Page professor of Civil Engineering at Purdue University and the Co-Director of the Civil Engineering Center for Applications of UAS for a Sustainable Environment (CE-CAUSE). He is also the Associate Director of Purdue University’s Joint Transportation Research Program (JTRP). Dr. Habib’s research interests span the fields of terrestrial and aerial mobile mapping systems. He has been focusing on modeling the perspective geometry of non-traditional imaging scanners, automatic matching and change detection, automatic calibration of low-cost digital cameras, object recognition in imagery and point cloud data, LiDAR mapping, and integrating photogrammetric data with other sensors/datasets (e.g., GNSS/INS, GIS databases, multi- and hyper-spectral sensors, and LiDAR). Over the last six years, he has been involved in the development, integration, and utilization of wheel-based and UAV-based mobile mapping systems for a wide range of applications in precision agriculture, geometric documentation of transportation corridors, archeological documentation, crash scene reconstruction, and infrastructure monitoring.