Title: Security and Resiliency of Cyber-Physical-Social Systems for Connected and Automated Transportation Systems
Speaker: Dr. Mashrur “Ronnie” Chowdhury
Date: Friday, January 28, 2022
A convergent engineering research approach is required to ensure security and resilience of connected and automated transportation systems by design. Tomorrow’s transportation systems are essentially transportation cyber-physical-social systems (TCPSS) as these systems will increasingly rely on the interplay of (a) physical structures such as vehicles, the surrounding transportation infrastructure and technological hardware; (b) cyber systems such as classical and quantum artificial intelligence-driven computing, software applications and distributed data storage systems; and (c) human stakeholders, from developers and engineers to public agencies responsible for managing transportation infrastructure to users. A secure and resilient design requires understanding the technology base of TCPSS, and most importantly, social implications. Once engineering design is ripe, the more important tasks of transition to testbeds, technical acceptance by industry and policy makers and integration into society still require significant efforts from the research community. This talk will focus on strategies for the integration of cross disciplinary research to achieve the broad societal goals of a secure and resilient TCPSS.
Dr. Mashrur “Ronnie” Chowdhury is the Eugene Douglas Mays Chair in Transportation in the Glenn Department of Civil Engineering at Clemson University. He is also a professor in the Department of Automotive Engineering and Division of Computer Science at the School of Computing. Dr. Chowdhury is the founding Director of the USDOT Center for Connected Multimodal Mobility and co-director of the Complex Systems, Analytics and Visualization Institute. He is an alumnus of the National Academy of Engineering Frontiers of Engineering program. He is a member of the TRB Committee on ITS, fellow of ASCE, and senior member of IEEE.