Title: Testing and Verifying the Security of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles

Speaker: Dr. Arman Sargolzaei

Date: Friday, September 30, 2022


The potential benefits of connected autonomous vehicles (CAV) are numerous, and society is expecting that this technology will increase the quality of everyday life and follow through on its promises. However, to be effective, they must be tested to demonstrate a standard level of safety and security. The complex and interconnected nature of the transportation system makes the task of testing and verification exceedingly difficult, raising serious concerns regarding their safety and security. It, thus, calls for new problem formulation and a novel systematic approach for the task of CAV testing and verification. The existing testing solutions use ad-hoc methods, such as miles driven, to demonstrate some indication of safety, often assuming that the CAV's perception of the surrounding environment is comprehensive and ideal. However, no fundamental structure has been developed to demonstrate the security of CAV products. Here, we discuss a systematic approach to test the security of CAVs in an unique extended reality testing platform which has been enriched with mixed reality (MR) and vehicle-in-the-loop (ViL) testing. The joining of MR and ViL is unique, enabling real-world CAV security experimentation like never before.


Dr. Arman Sargolzaei's expertise is in applying linear and nonlinear control methods, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to the field of cyber-physical systems. His mission is to enhance the quality of life for people by assuring safety, security, and privacy concerns through extensive collaboration among multi-disciplinary fields. He has received more than $1.5M funding from state and federal agencies, including NSF and NASA. He is the recipient of the NSF CAREER award for his research on testing and verifying the security of connected and autonomous vehicles. He was recognized with the honor of the "Faculty Research Excellence Award" for two consecutive years. He received his doctorate degrees in Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering from the University of Florida, and Florida International University. He is currently an assistant professor of Mechanical Engineering at University of South Florida (USF). Dr. Sargolzaei has published more than 70 articles in high-impact factor journals, including IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Industrial Informatics, and Industrial Electronics. Dr. Sargolzaei has two active and one pending patent for his research on cyber-physical systems.