Title: Running on Empty: CAV Revenue Challenges and Solutions
Speaker: Mr. Ryan Hassett
Date: Friday, February 24, 2023
Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) may have transformative potential to upend how North Carolinians use their roads—but they may also upend the model used to fund the construction and maintenance of those roads. Without reform to existing revenue mechanisms, CAVs may further squeeze highway funds that are already being increasingly pressured by other technological and behavioral changes. There are, however, several potential reforms that could be made that would make NCDOT’s highway funding more resilient to the challenges posed by emerging technologies and evolving behaviors.
Ryan Hassett is an economist at the Institute for Transportation Research and Education (ITRE) at NC State University. As part of ITRE’s Economic & Policy Assessment Group, he conducts applied research, including economic impact assessments, cost-benefit analyses, and revenue projections, for local, state, and national transportation projects across all modes and works with key project stakeholders to create products that communicate these findings to diverse audiences.